Business & Commercial

Grow your business to new heights.

Access the legal advice and know-how your company needs.

Whether you’re expanding, creating a partnership or facing a legal issue, our experience brings you the practical assistance and advice that gets you to your goal.

Every industry faces its own unique business and commercial law issues.

Though large companies may have an in-house legal team that can handle issues as they arise, small and medium-sized companies don’t have that luxury.

That’s where we can help you.

We’ll bring you the most beneficial solution for your situation while also taking business ethics and industry practices into consideration.

Our Practice Areas

The electronic payments industry - payment portal seen here - require advanced legal thinking.

Payments & Fintech

We started in payments. Merchants, ISOs, ISVs, Payment Facilitators, Sponsor Banks, VARs, MLS, Agents - we've got your back!

Bishota Law offers business legal services to those like the businessmen pictured here.

Business & Commercial

We provide proactive and strategic legal counsel to help you dream, build, grow and exit when you want to.

Parents and children by the beach who can benefit from Bishota Law's Estate Planning services.

Life & Legacy Planning

Our simplified planning for business succession, trusts, legacy preservation and family protection give you security with less work.

Your Solution

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