Life & Legacy

Your legacy is worth preserving and growing.

Estate planning is easier than you think.

No matter the stage of life you’re in, you can protect those you love and extend your personal legacy to future generations.

The mark you make on this world is no small thing!

That’s why we walk you through every important aspect – even those you might not think of – and design a legacy plan specifically for you.

We help you set priorities to make sure your home, finances, businesses and other assets go where you want them to. We also put the right end-of-life care plan in place so that your loved ones don’t have to face difficult decisions.

Our simple process gives you confidence.

We take care of everything for you – drafting documents, coordinating with your other trusted advisors, and ensuring there are no loose ends.

You’ll find straightforward explanations of legal terms used in the process.

Our planning services give you the confidence that your family, your assets, and your achievements will be protected for years to come.

Life & Legacy Resources

Joint Tenancy vs. Tenancy in Common

Joint tenancy and tenancy in common may sound complicated, but don’t worry. We’ll explain them both. We’ll also talk about the differences between these two ownership structures and explore how they impact estate planning. Read More

Seven Things to Consider When Drafting Your Will

Drafting your will is a vital step in the estate planning process. We share seven important points to keep in mind as you begin the process. Read More

Common Property & Separate Property

Knowing the difference between community property and separate property is vital when it comes to estate planning. We explore what sets community property and separate property apart from each other and why they matter. Read More

Our Practice Areas

The electronic payments industry - payment portal seen here - require advanced legal thinking.

Payments & Fintech

We started in payments. Merchants, ISOs, ISVs, Payment Facilitators, Sponsor Banks, VARs, MLS, Agents - we've got your back!

Bishota Law offers business legal services to those like the businessmen pictured here.

Business & Commercial

We provide proactive and strategic legal counsel to help you dream, build, grow and exit when you want to.

Parents and children by the beach who can benefit from Bishota Law's Estate Planning services.

Life & Legacy Planning

Our simplified planning for business succession, trusts, legacy preservation and family protection give you security with less work.

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