Business & Commercial Law

Webinar: Negotiating Contracts

For Maximum Value and Minimum Risk


Sept. 10, 2024 @ 12:00 p.m. CST

Negotiating Contracts

Presented by:

  • Ashley Basnett of Reeve Basnett PLLC
  • Genevieve Dozier of Maverick Payments
  • Nicole Pirog of Bishota Law PLLC

Relationships are created, deals are negotiated, and in the end, contracts are prepared and presented to formalize.

In the excitement of finalizing new relationships, sometimes these contracts are signed without reading and understanding all of the terms. Often in the rush, only “big ticket items” are reviewed, i.e. monies and certain related obligations. Often long term strategies that should be considered upfront are forgotten such as renewals, portability, solicitation, assignment, and more!

Join this trio, which combined have over 35 years of experience in contract negotiations on behalf of hundreds of companies, from startups to top 10 banks.

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